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Asset Management

Take Your Department of Public Works Digital

Take Your Department of Public Works Digital

DPWs and Department Heads have enough to juggle with completing projects on time, managing staff and maintenance tasks, and serving residents. Searching for critical information about your infrastructure should not be something else you have to worry about. By leveraging the latest technology for GIS and data collection, you get instant access to the critical information you need and benefit from digital tools designed to make DPW tasks faster and easier. Watch this webinar to learn how your municipality can work smarter and reduce staff time.

Nearmap & AssetAlly: Improve City Planning with High Res Location Intelligence

Nearmap & AssetAlly: Improve City Planning with High Res Location Intelligence

Across the U.S., municipalities are turning to high-resolution aerial imagery to better plan and meet the needs of their growing community. Access to current, crystal clear imagery allows city departments to better organize public safety responses, improve public works planning, and streamline data for enhanced asset management. Watch this on demand webinar to discover new insights on how to employ stunningly clear and current imagery inside of AssetAlly®.

Making the Most Out of Your Road Rating Data

Making the Most Out of Your Road Rating Data

Your road ratings can be an extremely valuable tool and can be the catalyst for development of strategic, long-term planning efforts. By evaluating current and historical rating data compared to yearly road maintenance efforts within your community, you’ll gain valuable insight into whether your road program is on the right track. Your road system is your most valuable asset, so understanding its current value and how to increase that value is a key component to comprehensive planning.

Asset Management for Anyone: Phased Approaches to Community Benefits

Asset Management for Anyone: Phased Approaches to Community Benefits

Starting an asset management initiative doesn’t have to be daunting. We’ll explain how using a phased approach over time will let you start simple and efficiently build upon your program as you go.  Whether you currently use file cabinets, or an advanced GIS system, we’ll demonstrate how your community can utilize asset management to leverage your data to make better decisions. 

Long-Range Capital Improvement Planning

Long-Range Capital Improvement Planning

Municipalities often feel stressed about determining where their infrastructure spending should be allocated.  Watch this video to learn how a long-range capital improvement plan (CIP) balanced with an infrastructure and operations review will help guide where and when spending should occur.